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Novikov-Borodin, A.V.

Paper Title Page
MOP01 Beam Intensity Adjustment in the RIA Driver Linac 33
  • P.N. Ostroumov, J.A. Nolen, I. Sharamentov
    ANL/Phys, Argonne, Illinois
  • A.V. Novikov-Borodin
    RAS/INR, Moscow
  The Rare Isotope Accelerator Facility currently being designed in the U.S. will use both heavy ion and light ion beams to produce radionuclides via the fragmentation and spallation reactions, respectively. Driver beam power of up to 400 kW will be available so that beam sharing between target stations is a viable option to increase the number of simultaneous users. Using a combination of rf-sweepers and DC magnets the driver beams can be delivered to up to four targets simultaneously. With simultaneous beam delivery to more than one target independent adjustment of the relative beam intensities is essential. To enable such intensity adjustment we propose to use a fast chopper in the Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) section. Several options of fast chopper design are discussed. The MEBT beam optics is being designed to accommodate and match the chopper technical specifications. Possible solutions and performance with the fast chopper are proposed.