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Napoly, O.

Paper Title Page
MOP36 Preliminary Study on HOM-Based Beam Alignment in the TESLA Test Facility 117
  • N. Baboi, G. Kreps, M. Wendt
    DESY, Hamburg
  • G. Devanz, R. Paparella
    CEA/DAPNIA-SACM, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
  • O. Napoly
    CEA/DSM/DAPNIA, Gif-sur-Yvette
  The interaction of the beam with the higher order modes (HOM) in the TESLA cavities has been studied in the past at the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) in order to determine whether the modes with the highest loss factor are sufficiently damped. The same modes can be used actively for beam alignment. At TTF the beam alignment based on the HOM signals is planned to be studied in the first cryo-module, containing 8 accelerating cavities. One of several modes with higher loss factor will be used. Its polarization has to be determined. The options to use single bunches or bunch trains will be analyzed. The results will be discussed in this paper.