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Napieralski, A.

Paper Title Page
TUP89 Static Absolute Force Measurement for Preloaded Piezoelements Used for Active Lorentz Force Detuning System 486
  • S. P. Sekalski, A. Napieralski, S. P. Sekalski
    TUL, Lodz
  • A. Bosotti
    INFN/LASA, Segrate (MI)
  • M. Fouaidy
    IPN, Orsay
  • L. Lilje, S. Simrock
    DESY, Hamburg
  • R. Paparella, P.F. Puricelli
    INFN Milano, Milano
  To reach high gradients in pulsed operation of superconducting (SC) cavities an active Lorentz force detuning compensation system is needed. For this system a piezoelement can be used as an actuator (other option is a magnetostrictive device). To guarantee the demanded lifetime of the active element, the proper preload force adjustment is necessary. To determine this parameter an absolute force sensor is needed which will be able to operate at cryogenic temperatures. Currently, there is no calibrated commercial available sensor, which will be able to measure the static force in such an environment. The authors propose to use a discovered phenomenon to estimate the preload force applied to the piezoelement. The principle of the proposed solution based on a shape of impedance curve, which changes with the value of applied force. Especially, the position of resonances are monitored. No need of specialized force sensor and measurement in-situ are additional advantages of proposed method.  
TUP98 The Finite State Machine for Klystron Operation for VUV-FEL and European X-FEL Linear Accelerator 510
  • W. Cichalewski, B. Koseda, A. Napieralski
    TUL, Lodz
  • F.-R. Kaiser, S. Simrock
    DESY, Hamburg
  In order to provide a pulsed RF power signal that fulfills all designers and users demands the work on power supplies, pulse transformers, waveguides and klystrons has to be well coordinated. Because operators not engineers will operate mention user facility therefore software has to be implemented in order to automate the enormous quantity of hardware operation accompanying regular operation of linear accelerator collider. A finite state machine is adequate formal description of reactive systems that has become starting point for designing our control software. To present the complexity of the task that establishing FSM for Klystron system would be, one has to become acquainted with complexity of the system itself. Therefore this article describes the construction and principles of the klystron and modulator as well as ideas concerning the implementation of a FSM for such a system.