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Moscatello, M.-H.

Paper Title Page
  • M.-H. Moscatello
    GANIL, Caen
  The detailed design study phase of the SPIRAL2 project has been launched since beginning of 2003. The aim of this facility is to produce rare ion beams, using a Uranium carbide target fission process, based on a fission rate of 1013 to 1014 fissions/s. The driver accelerator accelerates a 5 mA deuteron beam up to 20 MeV/u, impinging on a carbon converter to produce the neutrons necessary to the fission process. It has also to accelerate q/A=1/3 heavy ions, to energies between 0.75 and 14.5 MeV/A for different types of nuclear and non-nuclear physics experiments. The accelerator, based on a RFQ followed by an independently phased superconducting cavity linac with warm focusing sections, is under design. This paper presents the reference design chosen for SPIRAL2 driver accelerator and gives the design status of the different components: Sources, RFQ, Superconducting linac, RF Systems, Cryogenics, Mechanical layout.  