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Mitchell, D.

Paper Title Page
MOP82 SRF Cavity and Materials R&D at Fermilab 213
  • N. Khabiboulline, P. Bauer, L. Bellantoni, T. Berenc, C. Boffo, R. Carcagno, C. Chapman, H. Edwards, L. Elementi, M. Foley, E. Hahn, D. Hicks, D. Mitchell, A. Rowe, N. Solyak, I. Terechkine
    FNAL, Batavia, Illinois
  • A. Gurevich, M. Jewell, D. C. Larbalestier, P. Lee, A. Polyanskii, A. Squitieri
    UW-Madison/ASC, Madison, Wisconsin
  Two 3.9 GHz superconducting RF cavities are under development at FNAL for use in the upgraded Photoinjector Facility. A TM110 mode cavity will provide streak capability for bunch slice diagnostics, and a TM010 mode cavity will provide linearization of the accelerating gradient before compression for better emittance. The status of these two efforts and a review of the FNAL infrastructure development will be given.  
THP85 Test Results of the 3.9 GHz Cavity at Fermilab 797
  • N. Solyak, I. Gonin
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
  • L. Bellantoni, T. Berenc, H. Edwards, M. Foley, N. Khabiboulline, D. Mitchell, A. Rowe
    FNAL, Batavia, Illinois
  Fermilab is developing two types of 3.9 GHz superconducting cavities to improve performances of A0 and TTF photoinjectors. In frame of this project we have built and tested two nine-cell copper models and one 3-cell niobium accelertating cavity and series of deflecting cavities. Properties of the high order modes were carefully studied in a chain of two copper cavities at room temperature. High gradient performance were tested at helium temperature. Achieved gradients and surface resistances are exceed goal parameters. In paper we discuss results of cold tests of the 3-cell accelerating and deflecting cavities.