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Melissinos, A.C.

Paper Title Page
MOP46 Experimental Investigation of the Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in a Photo-Injector using a Two-Macroparticle Bunch 147
  • R. Tikhoplav, A.C. Melissinos
    Rochester University, Rochester, New York
  • N. Barov, D. Mihalcea
    Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
  • P. Piot
    FNAL, Batavia, Illinois
  We have developed a two-macroparticle bunch to explore the longitudinal beam dynamics through various component of the Fermilab/NICADD photoinjector laboratory. Such a two-macroparticle bunch is generated by splitting the photocathode drive laser impinging the photocathode. The presented method allows the exploration of rf-induced compression in the 1+1/2 cell rf-gun and in the 9-cell TESLA cavity. It also allows a direct measurement of the magnetic chicane bunch compressor parameters such as its momentum compaction. The measurements are compared with analytical and numerical models. Finally we present possible extension of the technique to investigate the transverse beam dynamics.