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Linder, G.

Paper Title Page
THP83 Measurements of High Order Modes in High Phase Advance Damped Detuned Accelerating Structure for NLC 791
  • N. Khabiboulline, T. Arkan, H. Carter
    FNAL, Batavia, Illinois
  • G. Linder
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
  • G. Romanov
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
  The RF Technology Development group at Fermilab is working together with the NLC and JLC groups at SLAC and KEK on developing technology for room temperature X-band accelerating structures for a future linear collider. We have built several series of structures for high gradient tests. We have also built 150° phase advance per cell, 60 cm long, damped and detuned structures (HDDS or FXC series). Some of these structures will be used for the 8-pack test at SLAC by the end of 2004, as part of the JLC/NLC effort to demonstrate the readiness of room temperature RF technology for a linear collider. HDSS structures are very close to the final design for the linear collider, and it was very interesting to study the properties of high order modes in the structures produced by semi-industrial methods. In this study advanced RF technique and methods developed at Fermilab for structure low power testing and tuning have been used. The results of these measurements are presented in this paper.