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Kühnel, K.-U.

Paper Title Page
THP86 Low Power Measurements on a Finger Drift Tube Linac 800
  • A. Schempp, K.-U. Kühnel
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  • C.P. Welsch
    MPI-K, Heidelberg
  The efficiency of RFQs decreases at higher particle energies. The DTL structures used in this energy regions have a defocusing influence on the beam. To achieve a focusing effect, fingers with quadrupole symmetry were added to the drift tubes. Driven by the same power supply as the drift tubes, the fingers do not need an additional power source or feedthrough. Beam dynamics have been studied with PARMTEQ . Detailed analysis of the field distribution was done and the geometry of the finger array has been optimized with respect to beam dynamics. A spiral loaded cavity with finger drift tubes was built up and low power measurements were done. In this contribution, the results of the rf simulating with Microwave Studio are shown in comparison with bead pertubation measurement on a prototype cavity.