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Kolomiets, A.

Paper Title Page
TUP26 Alternating Phase Focusing in Low-Velocity Heavy-Ion Superconducting Linac 348
  • P.N. Ostroumov, K.W. Shepard
    ANL/Phys, Argonne, Illinois
  • A. Kolomiets
    ITEP, Moscow
  • E.S. Masunov
    MEPhI, Moscow
  The low-charge-state injector linac of the RIA post-accelerator is based on ~60 independently phased SC resonators providing total ~70 MV accelerating potential. The low charge-state beams, however, require stronger transverse focusing, particularly at low velocities, than is used in existing SC ion linacs. For the charge-to-mass ratios considered here (q/A = 1/66) the proper focusing can be reached by the help of strong SC solenoid lenses with the field up to 15 T. Magnetic field of the solenoids can be reduced to 9 T applying an Alternating Phase Focusing (APF). A method to set the rf field phases has been developed and studied both analytically and by the help of the three-dimensional ray tracing code. The paper discusses the results of these studies.