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Klein, H.

Paper Title Page
TUP82 Low Energy Beam Transport using Space Charge Lenses 465
  • O. Meusel, A. Bechtold, H. Klein, J. Pozimski, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  Gabor lenses provide strong cylinder symmetric electric focusing using a confined nonneutral plasma. The density distribution of the enclosed space charge is defined by the enclosure conditions in transverse and longitudinal direction. For a homogeneous charge density distribution the resulting electrostatic field and therefrom the focusing forces inside the space charge cloud are linear. Additionally in case of a positive ion beam the space charge of the confined electrons causes compensation of the ion beam space charge forces. To study the capabilities of a Gabor double lens system to match an ion beam into a RFQ a testinjector was installed at the IAP and put into operation successfully. First beam profiles and emittance measurements as well as measurements of the beam energy and energy spread have already been performed and show satisfactory results and no significant deviation from the theoretical predictions. To verify the beam focusing of bunched beams using this lens type at beam energies up to 500 keV a new high field Gabor lens was build and will be installed behind of the RFQ.