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Hollinger, R.

Paper Title Page
MOP06 A Dedicated 70 MeV Proton Linac for the Antiproton Physics Program of the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstadt 42
  • L. Groening, W. Barth, L. Dahl, R. Hollinger, P. Spädtke, W. Vinzenz, S. Yaramishev
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • B. Hofmann, Z. Li, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp, R. Tiede
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  The antiproton physics program of the future International Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt is based on a rate of 7·1010 cooled antiprotons per hour. To provide the primary proton intensities a proton linac is planned, which will be operated independently from the existing UNILAC for heavy ions. The proposed linac comprises a proton source, a RFQ, and a DTL. Its operation frequency of 352 MHz allows for an efficient acceleration to up to 70 MeV using normal conducting Crossed-bar H-cavities. These CH-cavities show high shunt impedances as known from IH-structures, but allow for much higher relative particle velocities of up to 40%. The beam pulses with a length of 25 μs, a current of 70 mA, and total transverse emittances of 7 μm will allow to fill the existing synchrotron SIS within one multi-turn-injection up to its space charge limit of 7·1012 protons. The maximum SIS ramping rate limits the applied proton linac repetition rate to 5 Hz. This paper gives an overview of the proposed proton linac. The status of the design including beam dynamic studies will be reported.  