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Hannon, F.E.

Paper Title Page
MOP26 ERLP Gun Commissioning Beamline Design 93
  • D.J. Holder, C.K.M. Gerth, F.E. Hannon
    CCLRC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire
  • R.J. Smith
    CLRC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire
  The 4GLS project is a novel next-generation solution for a UK national light source. It is based on an energy recovery linac (ERL) operating at high average beam currents up to 100 mA and with compression schemes producing pulses in the 10 - 100 fs range. This challenging accelerator technology, new to Europe, necessitates a significant R&D programme and a major part of this is a low-energy prototype, the ERLP, which is currently under construction at Daresbury Laboratory, in the north-west of England. The first components of ERLP to be built will be the DC photocathode gun and low-energy beam transport and diagnostics. The gun will initially be operated with a diagnostic beamline in order to measure the properties of the high-brightness beams generated as fully as possible. This will allow comparison of its performance with the results of multi-particle tracking codes, prior to its integration into the ERLP machine. The diagnostic beamline will include diagnostics for measuring the transverse and longitudinal properties of the electron beam. This paper will describe the design of this diagnostic beamline and demonstrate through simulation, the expected characteristics and performance achievable from this system.