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Grudiev, A.

Paper Title Page
MOP44 Electron-Cloud Effects in the Positron Linacs of Future Linear Colliders 141
  • D. Schulte, A. Grudiev, F. Zimmermann
    CERN, Geneva
  • K. Oide
    KEK, Ibaraki
  Inside the rf structures of positron linacs for future linear colliders, electron multipacting may occur under the combined influence of the beam field and the electromagnetic rf wave. The multipacting could lead to an electron-cloud build up along the bunch train. We present simulation results of this effect for various proposed designs, and discuss possible consequences and eventual countermeasures.  
THP34 A High-Power Test of an X-Band Molybdenum-Iris Structure 678
  • W. Wuensch, A. Grudiev, T. Heikkinen, I. Syratchev, T. Taborelli, I. Wilson
    CERN, Geneva
  • C. Adolphsen
    SLAC/NLC, Menlo Park, California
  • S. Döbert
    SLAC, Stanford
  In order to achieve accelerating gradients above 150 MV/m, alternative materials to copper are being investigated by the CLIC study. The potential of refractory metals has already been demonstrated in tests in which a tungsten-iris and a molybdenum-iris structure reached 150 and 193 MV/m respectively (30 GHz and a pulse length of 15 ns). In order to extend the investigation to the pulse lengths required for a linear collider, a molybdenum-iris structure scaled to X-band was tested at the NLCTA. The structure conditioned to only 65 MV/m (100 ns pulse length) in the available testing time and much more slowly than is typical of a copper structure. However the structure showed no sign of saturation and a microscopic inspection of the rf surfaces corroborated that the structure was still at an early stage of conditioning. The X-band and 30 GHz results are compared and what has been learned about material quality, surface preparation and conditioning strategy is discussed.  
THP72 A Newly Designed and Optimized CLIC Main Linac Accelerating Structure 779
  • A. Grudiev, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Geneva
  A new CLIC main-linac accelerating-structure design, HDS (Hybrid Damped Structure), with improved high-gradient performance, efficiency and simplicity of fabrication is presented. The gains are achieved in part through a new cell design which includes fully-profiled rf surfaces optimized to minimize surface fields and hybrid damping using both iris slots and radial waveguides. The slotted irises allow a simple structure fabrication in quadrants with no rf currents across joints. Further gains are achieved through a new structure optimization procedure, which simultaneously balances surface fields, power flow, short and long-range transverse wakefields, rf-to-beam efficiency and the ratio of luminosity to input power. The optimization of a 30 GHz structure with a loaded accelerating gradient of 150 MV/m results in a bunch spacing of eight rf cycles and 29% rf-to-beam efficiency. The dependencies of performance on operating frequency, accelerating gradient, and phase advance per cell are shown.