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Gasser, Y.

Paper Title Page
THP07 Performance Improvement of the Multicell Cavity Prototype for Proton LINAC Projects 611
  • B. Visentin, D. Braud, J.P. Charrier, B. Coadou, Y. Gasser, J.P. Poupeau, P. Sahuquet
    CEA/DSM/DAPNIA, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • S. Bousson, H. Gassot, H. Saugnac, P. Szott
    IPN, Orsay
  • G. Devanz
    CEA/DAPNIA-SACM, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
  The CEA-Saclay/IPN-Orsay collaboration allowed to develop a multicell superconducting cavity prototype (704 MHz, β=0.65). Since the first experimental results[*], achieved in a vertical cryostat and the horizontal one "CryHoLab", the accelerating field Eacc has been recently improved up to 19 MV/m (Epeak = 43 MV/m, Bpeak = 83 mT, Q0 = 9.109). Eacc is now limited by quench. The previous one limitation, due to a non understood phenomenon, disappeared . The excellent performances of this 5-cell proton cavity validate the design, the technological choices, the manufacturing and the cavity preparation process. These results augur well for our future R&D program on multicell superconducting cavities within the European CARE/HIPPI framework.

[*] Proceedings of PAC2003, Portland, USA, TAB047, p.1303