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Brumwell, F. R.

Paper Title Page
TUP61 Beam Analysis Using the IPNS Linac ESEM 405
  • J.C. Dooling, F. R. Brumwell, L. Donley, G.E. McMichael, V. F. Stipp
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois
  The Energy Spread and Energy Monitor (ESEM) is an on-line, non-intrusive diagnostic used to characterize the output beam from the 200 MHz, 50 MeV linac. The energy spread is determined from a 3-size, longitudinal emittance measurement and energy is derived from TOF analysis. Presently, a single particle distribution is used to yield energy and energy-spread results. Effort is on-going to allow for more realistic distributions to be included. Signals are detected on terminated 50 Ω, stripline BPMs. Each BPM is constructed with four striplines: top, bottom, left and right. Until recently, the ESEM signals were taken solely from bottom striplines in four separate BPM locations in the transport line between the linac and synchrotron. We have begun to use the top stripline data to examine, in more detail, beam position and attempt to measure beam size. The electrostatic coupling between the stripline and the beam depends on the capacitance, which in turn is inversely related to the beam-stripline separation. The electrostatic portion of fluctuations in beam motion will be nonlinear, possibly allowing one to infer beam size.