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Brendel, L.

Paper Title Page
THP10 Tuner Design for High Power 4-Rod-RFQs 617
  • A. Schempp, L. Brendel, B. Hofmann, H. Liebermann
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  The performance of high power RFQ linacs, as used in spallations sources and proposed for projects like ADxy, IFMIF or high duty factor drivers for RIB application are limited by beam dynamics properties as well as technical limits like sparking, power density, cooling and thermal stresses. A "one piece structure" even possible in theory has to have means for tuning the real fields like exchangable or moving tuners. Tuner design features will be discussed and results will be presented.  
THP11 Design of A 352 MHz-Proton-RFQ for GSI 620
  • A. Schempp, L. Brendel, B. Hofmann
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  Part of the future project of GSI is a new p-linac for the production of Antiprotons. The 4- Rod-RFQ operating at 350 MHz has to accelerate up to 100 mA protons from an ECR source. Design studies have been made using the Parmteq- and Microwave Studio codes to optimize beam dynamics properties and the field distribution of the RFQ. Results of the design studies will be presented.