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Beier, T.

Paper Title Page
MOP05 The HITRAP-Decelerator for Heavy Highly-Charged Ions 39
  • L. Dahl, W. Barth, T. Beier, W. Vinzenz
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • C. A. Kitegi, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  The GSI accelerator facility provides highly charged ions up to U92+ by stripping the ions at 400 MeV/u in the transfer line from the SIS18 (Heavy Ion Synchrotron) to the ESR (Experimental Storage Ring). The ESR provides high quality beams by means of stochastic cooling and electron cooling. Deceleration down to 4 MeV/u was already successfully demonstrated. After suitable rebunching, further deceleration down to 6 keV/u, neccessary for the capture of the ions by a penning trap, is done by IH/RFQ-structures. All cavities are operated at 108 MHz. Recently the HITRAP-project (Heavy Ion Trap), described in a Technical Design Report, was approved. The layout of the decelerator and the beam dynamics in different sections are reported.