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Alessi, J.

Paper Title Page
MO202 High-Intensity, High Charge-State Heavy Ion Sources 8
  • J. Alessi
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  There are many accelerator applications for high intensity heavy ion sources, with recent needs including dc beams for RIA, and pulsed beams for injection into synchrotrons such as RHIC and LHC. The present status of sources producing high currents of high charge state heavy ions will be reviewed. These sources include ECR, EBIS, and Laser ion sources. The benefits and limitations for these type sources will be described, for both dc and pulsed applications. Possible future improvements in these type sources will also be discussed.  
MOP03 Proposal for Reduction of Transverse Emittance of BNL 200 MeV Linac 36
  • J. Alessi, J. Beebe Wang, D. Raparia, W.-T. Weng
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  BNL plans to upgrade the AGS proton beam from the current 0.14 MW to higher than 1.0 MW and beyond for such a neutrino facility which consists of two major subsystems. First is a 1.2 GeV super-conducting linac (SCL) to replace the booster as injector for the AGS. Second is the performance upgrade for the AGS itself for the higher intensity and repetition rate. For high intensity proton accelerators, such as the upgraded AGS, there are very stringent limitations on uncontrolled beam losses. A direct effect of linac beam emittance is the halo/tail generation in the circulating beam. Studies show the estimated halo/tail generation in the beam for present normalized RMS emittance of linac beam is unacceptable. To reduce the transverse emittance of 200 MeV linac, the existing radio frequency quadrupole linac (RFQ) has to be relocated closer to drift tube linac (DTL) tank 1 to meet emittance requirement for the AGS injection with low loss. This paper will present the various options of matching between RFQ and DTL, and chopping options in the low energy beam transport (LEBT).