Marc Dirsat (Berliner Elektronenspeichering-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.)
Beam-based characterization of a non-linear injection kicker at BESSY II
Top-up operation at BESSY II is performed with average injection efficiencies of 98 %. However, the four-kicker bump and the septum, that form the present injection system, both contribute to a distortion of the stored beam with an amplitude of about two millimeters for several thousand turns after injection. A non-linear injection kicker (NLK) could be used to reduce the distortion due to the kicker bump by a factor of approximately 30 - a necessary condition for transparent injection. Studies with an NLK and optimized sextupole settings have shown that it is also possible to achieve injection efficiencies of up to 97 %. The NLK was characterized beam-based with regards to the application of the NLK for BESSY II user operation, a possible injection method for BESSY III and to get a better understanding of the limiting effects of the injection efficiency. Additionally, measurements and simulations were compared.
Paper: MOPM075
DOI: reference for this paper: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-MOPM075
About: Received: 03 May 2023 — Revised: 07 May 2023 — Accepted: 11 May 2023 — Issue date: 26 Sep 2023
Development of the first permanent bending magnet at BESSY II
Permanent Magnet (PM) based bending magnets are state-of-the-art concepts to gain stable beam operation and to reduce the power consumption of the magnetic system in an accelerator. This is even more true in injector and beam transport beamlines with fixed beam parameters and low repetition rates. An example is the B2PT magnet in the BESSYII transfer beamline between booster and storage ring. It is the last dipole magnet for the final 7.8 deg bending into septum. This one meter long, compact, high current dipole will be replaced by three 300mm long Variable Permanent Hybrid Magnets. They combine a PM driven strong and stable magnetic field with a small field variability via compact corrector coils. With this new magnet we can reduce fringe fields and vibrations next to stored beam, as well as the total power consumption of the injector by almost 30 kW. In this paper, the design and construction process of the new B2PT magnet will be presented.
Paper: WEPM131
DOI: reference for this paper: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-WEPM131
About: Received: 02 May 2023 — Revised: 09 May 2023 — Accepted: 11 May 2023 — Issue date: 26 Sep 2023