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BiBTeX citation export for WEPOTK011: High Intensity Studies in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster

  author       = {F. Asvesta and S.C.P. Albright and F. Antoniou and H. Bartosik and C. Bracco and G.P. Di Giovanni and E. Renner and G. Rumolo and P.K. Skowroński and C. Zannini},
% author       = {F. Asvesta and S.C.P. Albright and F. Antoniou and H. Bartosik and C. Bracco and G.P. Di Giovanni and others},
% author       = {F. Asvesta and others},
  title        = {{High Intensity Studies in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster}},
  booktitle    = {Proc. IPAC'22},
% booktitle    = {Proc. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'22)},
  pages        = {2056--2059},
  eid          = {WEPOTK011},
  language     = {english},
  keywords     = {resonance, injection, operation, proton, ISOL},
  venue        = {Bangkok, Thailand},
  series       = {International Particle Accelerator Conference},
  number       = {13},
  publisher    = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland},
  month        = {07},
  year         = {2022},
  issn         = {2673-5490},
  isbn         = {978-3-95450-227-1},
  doi          = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-WEPOTK011},
  url          = {https://jacow.org/ipac2022/papers/wepotk011.pdf},
  abstract     = {{After the successful implementation of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, studies were conducted in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) in order to assess the intensity reach with the increased beam brightness. The studies focused on the high intensity beams delivered to the PSB users, both at 1.4 and 2 GeV. In addition, possible intensity limitations in view of the Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) Study were investigated. To this end, various machine configurations were tested including different resonance compensation schemes and chromaticity settings in correlation with the longitudinal parameters. This paper summarizes the results obtained since the machine recommissioning.}},