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MOPAB301 |
A Concept for Reconstruction of the Capsulated Microchip Structure Using Its Interaction with High-Energy Ion Beams of the NICA Accelerator Complex |
949 |
- A. Slivin, A.V. Butenko, G.A. Filatov, E. Syresin, A. Tuzikov, A. Zhemchugov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
Within the framework of the NICA project an applied research station for irradiation by long-range ions (SODIT) is being constructed for testing radiation hardness of semiconductor micro- and nanoelectronics products in the energy range of 150-350 MeV/n. Calculations for the interaction of high-energy gold ions with the microchip and strip detector structures are performed using the GEANT4 simulation toolkit. A concept was developed for reconstruction of the capsulated microchip structure in terms of depth and in terms of cross-section using interaction with high-energy ions at the technical station for irradiation by long-range ions. The possibility of localizing the radiation-vulnerable area of the microchip is evaluated.
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 20 May 2021 issue date ※ 17 August 2021 |
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WEPAB042 |
Linac-200: A New Electron Test Beam Facility at JINR |
2697 |
- M.A. Nozdrin, M. Gostkin, V. Kobets, Y.A. Samofalova, G. Shirkov, A. Trifonov, K. Yunenko, A. Zhemchugov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
Commissioning of a new electron test beam facility Linac-200 comes to the end at JINR (Dubna, Russia). The core of the facility is a refurbished MEA accelerator from NIKHEF. The key accelerator subsystems including controls, vacuum, precise temperature regulation were redesigned or deeply upgraded. The facility provides electron beams with energy up to 200 MeV while the beam current varying smoothly from 40 mA down to almost zero (single electrons in a bunch). The main goal of the facility is providing test beams for particle detector R&D, studies of novel approaches to the beam diagnostics, and education and training of graduate and postgraduate students. The current status and operation parameters of the facility will be reported.
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 23 June 2021 issue date ※ 23 August 2021 |
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