Paper | Title | Page |
MOXX01 |
Scientific Opportunities for 4th Generation Storage Ring Light Sources | |
Funding: The Sirius project is funded by the Brazilian Federal Government via a contract with the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation The new generation of storage ring light sources based on Multi-Bend Achromat (MBA) magnet lattice provides electron beams with size and divergence that match the phase space of the x-ray photons, approximating their so-called diffraction limit. The dramatic increase in brightness and transversely coherent photon flux from such improvement, combined with advances in mechatronics, optics, detectors, and computing, open new avenues of research within spatiotemporal scales previously inaccessible. This talk will present exciting scientific opportunities to explore the characteristics of biological, hierarchical, and condensed matter systems on these new light sources and particularly on Sirius, the new Brazilian 4th generation storage ring. |
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