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TUPAB241 |
Characterization of the RF-Cavities geometry in Order to Optimize the Beam Parameters in S-Band On-Axis LINACs |
2005 |
- A. Khosravi, B. Shokri
LAPRI, Tehran, Iran
- N. Khosravi
ILSF, Tehran, Iran
The RF characteristics of an accelerating tube are primarily assigned to geometrical features of a cavity. As a consequence of this geometry, the final electric field will make the shape of our Gaussian bunch and the final dose. The accelerating field can be studied considering the nose cone, gap, and bore radius. In dual electron linacs, the role of input power and bunch current is inevitable. Therefore, the geometrical issues of RF-cavities are studied in a 6MeV electron on-axis SW tube. To make an accurate comparison, each RF-cavity is designed and optimized by POISSON SU-PERFISH. The optimized cavities are imported to the PIC solver of CST. Then the beam characteristics are studied on a predefined target.
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 14 June 2021 issue date ※ 30 August 2021 |
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TUPAB242 |
The Beam-Study of the Side and On-Axis RF Cavities in S-Band 6 MeV LINACs |
2008 |
- A. Khosravi, B. Shokri
LAPRI, Tehran, Iran
- N. Khosravi
ILSF, Tehran, Iran
The geometry of side and on-axis RF cavities are two magnetic-coupled designs for the different LINAC applications. The electromagnetic fields, RF power, beam parameters, thermal stability, and manufacturing costs are the most critical factors in cavity type selection in each application. In this article, both RF-cavities are optimized in POISSON SUPERFISH code to compare the beam parameters accurately. Then the optimized cavities are making a tube and compare in ASTRA 1D code and CST 3D software. At last, the thermal sensitivity of both models is studied in MPHYSICS module of the CST. As a result, the final decision can be achieved on the side or on-axis cavities considering the input power, costs, beam properties, and thermal stability for the different applications of the LINACs
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 21 June 2021 issue date ※ 30 August 2021 |
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TUPAB243 |
Investigation of the Buncher Effect on Beam Properties in SW 3-6 MeV LINACs |
2012 |
- A. Khosravi, B. Shokri
LAPRI, Tehran, Iran
- N. Khosravi
ILSF, Tehran, Iran
The best quality of an electron beam is the primary goal of a linear accelerator design. Beam-study on a buncher section can lead us to a better perspective of the modulation and acceleration of a beam to optimize the final Gaussian beam. Five setups of different bunchers are designed, optimized, and presented in this article. A more brilliant and converged beam with a higher current, transverse emittance and smaller beam size is the study’s goal.
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 14 June 2021 issue date ※ 26 August 2021 |
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