Paper | Title | Page |
WEPAB080 | Near Threshold Pion Photoproduction on Deuterons | 2775 |
The study of photoproduction of mesons is a prime tool in understanding the properties of strong interactions. The only photoproduction reaction on deuteron with two-body final state is coherent pion photoproduction reaction. Several theoretical studies are being carried out on the pion photoproduction on deuterons since several decades. On the experimental side, the accelerator and detector technology has improved the developments. In the recent years, measurements of tensor analyzing powers associated with coherent and incoherent pion photoproduction are also being carried out at the VEPP-3 electron storage ring. In one of the recent measurements, Rachek et al"*" have observed discrepancy between theory and experiment at higher photon energies and have suggested for improvement of the theoretical models. In a more recent analysis,"**" the role of D-wave component on spin asymmetries have been identified. In view of these developments, the purpose of the present contribution is to study coherent pion photoproduction on deuterons using model independent irreducible tensor formalism developed earlier to study the photodisintegration of deuterons."***"
*I A Rachek et al., Few-Body Syst., 58, 29 (2017) **H M Al Ghamdi et al, Brazillian Journal of Physics, 50, 615 (2020) *** G Ramachandran, S P Shilpashree Phys. Rev. C 74, 052801(R) (2006) |
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About • | paper received ※ 29 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 01 July 2021 issue date ※ 16 August 2021 | |
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