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MOPAB095 |
Concept Design for the CLS2 Accelerator Complex |
354 |
- M.J. Boland, P.J. Hunchak
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
- C.K. Baribeau, D. Bertwistle, J.M. Patel, H. Shaker, X. Shen, M.J. Sigrist
CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
- F. Le Pimpec
EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
- E.J. Wallén
LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
The Canadian Light Source has been in operation since 2005 and is now looking at a design concept to upgrade to a fourth generation storage ring. A brief overview is given of a possible accelerator complex layout, including some details on the lattice design and injection system. A full energy linac is being explored as an option for top-up injection and to future proof the facility for a potential FEL upgrade in the future.
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paper received ※ 23 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 28 July 2021 issue date ※ 13 August 2021 |
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TUPAB071 |
Beam Line Design and Instrumentation for THz@PITZ - the Proof-of-Principle Experiment on a THz SASE FEL at the PITZ Facility |
1528 |
- T. Weilbach, P. Boonpornprasert, G.Z. Georgiev, G. Koss, M. Krasilnikov, X. Li, A. Lueangaramwong, F. Mueller, A. Oppelt, S. Philipp, F. Stephan, L.V. Vu
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
- H. Shaker
CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
In order to allow THz pump-X-ray probe experiments at full bunch repetition rate for users at the European XFEL, the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) is building a prototype of an accelerator-based THz source. The goal is to generate THz SASE FEL radiation with a mJ energy level per bunch using an LCLS-I undulator driven by the electron beam from PITZ. Therefore, the existing PITZ beam line is extended into a tunnel annex downstream of the existing accelerator tunnel. The beam line extension in the PITZ tunnel consists of three quadrupole magnets, a bunch compressor, a collimation system and a beam dump. In the second tunnel a dipole magnet allows to serve two beam lines, one of them the THz@PITZ beam line. It consists of one LCLS-I undulator for the production of the THz radiation, a quadrupole triplet in front of it and a quadrupole doublet behind it. For the electron beam diagnostic six new screen stations are built, three of them also allow for the observation of the THz radiation for measurements. In addition six BPMs and a new BLM system for machine protection and FEL gain curve measurement will be installed. The progress of this work will be presented.
Poster TUPAB071 [1.978 MB]
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 14 June 2021 issue date ※ 13 August 2021 |
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WEPAB274 |
Numerical Study of Beam Dynamics in PITZ Bunch Compressor |
3285 |
- A. Lueangaramwong, Z. Aboulbanine, G.D. Adhikari, N. Aftab, P. Boonpornprasert, N. Chaisueb, G.Z. Georgiev, J. Good, M. Groß, C. Koschitzki, M. Krasilnikov, X. Li, O. Lishilin, D. Melkumyan, H.J. Qian, G. Shu, F. Stephan, G. Vashchenko, T. Weilbach
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
- H. Shaker
CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
A magnetic bunch compressor has been recently designed for an accelerator-based THz source which is under development at the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ). The THz source is assumed to be a prototype for an accelerator-based THz source for pump-probe experiments at the European XFEL. As an electron bunch is compressed to achieve higher bunch currents for the THz source, we investigate the beam dynamics in the bunch compressor by numerical simulations. A start-to-end simulation optimizer has been developed by combining the use of ASTRA, IMPACT-T, and OCELOT to support the design of the THz source prototype. Coherent synchrotron radiation effects degrade the compression performance for our study cases with bunch charges up to 4 nC and beam energy of 17 MeV at a bending angle of 19 degrees. Simulation and preliminary beam characteristic results will be presented in this paper.
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paper received ※ 11 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 06 July 2021 issue date ※ 23 August 2021 |
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