Author: Schlabach, P.
Paper Title Page
Fabrication and Test Challenges of the SC Transport Solenoid for Mu2e Experiment  
  • M.J. Lamm, G. Ambrosio, K.E. Badgley, J.S. Brandt, D.A. Evbota, A. Hocker, V. Lombardo, T.H. Nicol, P. Schlabach
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  Funding: Supported in part by FRA under DOE Contract DE-AC02-07CH11359
A muon transport system (TS) is being built for the Fermilab Mu2e Experiment. The system consists of 52 superconducting solenoid magnets organized into two separately powered and cryostated elements TSu/TSd. Each cryostated element is further segmented into seven test units that form the TSu/TSd cold mass. The s-shaped geometry of the transport as well as its magnetic coupling to adjacent solenoid elements provides challenging requirements for the system design and fabrication. The acceptance campaign for the 14 test units is nearly completed and one of the two cold masses has been fully mechanically assembled. After presenting an overview of the Mu2e solenoid system, we report on the fabrication and test challenges and progress on the TS system including quench performance and coil alignment.
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