Paper | Title | Page |
MOPAB192 | LILac Energy Upgrade to 13 MeV | 651 |
In the frame of the NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) ion collider upgrade a new light ion LINAC for protons and ions will be built in collaboration between JINR and BEVATECH GmbH. While ions with a mass-to-charge ratio up to 3 will be fed into the NUCLOTRON ring with an energy of 7 MeV/u, protons are supposed to be accelerated up to an energy of 13 MeV using a third IH structure. This energy upgrade comprises a third IH structure, a dual-use Debuncher cavity as well as an extension of the LLRF control system built on MicroTCA technology. | ||
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Poster MOPAB192 [4.914 MB] | |
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About • | paper received ※ 11 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 31 May 2021 issue date ※ 20 August 2021 | |
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WEPAB202 | Thermal Analysis of a Compact Split-Coaxial CW RFQ for the IsoDAR RFQ-DIP | 3097 |
The RFQ direct injection project (RFQ-DIP) for the neutrino physics experiment IsoDAR aims at an efficient injection of a high-current H2+ beam into the dedicated 60 MeV driver cyclotron. Therefore, it is intended to use a compact 32.8 MHz RFQ structure of the split-coaxial type as a pre-buncher. To determine the thermal elongation of the 1.4 m long electrode rods as well as the thermal frequency detuning of the RF structure at a maximum nominal power load of 3.6 kW, an extensive thermal and structural mechanical analysis using COMSOL Multiphysics was conducted. The water heating along the cooling channels as well as the properties of heat transfer from the copper structure to the cooling water were taken into account, which required CFD simulations of the cooling water flow in the turbulent regime. Here we present the methods and results of the sophisticated thermal and structural mechanical simulations using COMSOL and provide a comparison to more simplistic simulations conducted with CST Studio Suite. | ||
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About • | paper received ※ 20 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 01 July 2021 issue date ※ 14 August 2021 | |
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THPAB167 | Technical Design of an RFQ Injector for the IsoDAR Cyclotron | 4075 |
For the IsoDAR (Isotope Decay-At-Rest) experiment, a high intensity (10 mA CW) primary proton beam is needed. To generate this beam, H2+ is accelerated in a cyclotron and stripped into protons after extraction. An RFQ, partially embedded in the cyclotron yoke, will be used to bunch and axially inject H2+ ions into the main accelerator. The strong RFQ bunching capabilities will be used to optimize the overall injection efficiency. To keep the setup compact the distance between the ion source and RFQ can be kept very short as well. In this paper, we describe the technical design of the RFQ. We focus on two critical aspects: 1. The use of a split-coaxial structure, necessitated by the low frequency of 32.8 MHz (matching the cyclotron RF) and the desired small tank diameter; 2. The high current, CW operation, requiring a good cooling concept for the RFQ tank and vanes. | ||
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Poster THPAB167 [2.162 MB] | |
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About • | paper received ※ 14 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 27 July 2021 issue date ※ 21 August 2021 | |
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MOPAB194 | First 3D Printed IH-Type Linac Structure - Proof-of-Concept for Additive Manufacturing of Linac rf Cavities | 654 |
Additive manufacturing (or "3D printing") has become a powerful tool for rapid prototyping and manufacturing of complex geometries. As technology is evolving, the quality and accuracy of parts manufactured this way is ever improving. Especially interesting for the world of particle accelerators is the process of 3D printing of stainless steel (and copper) parts. We present the first fully functional IH-type drift tube structure manufactured by metal 3D printing. A 433 MHz prototype cavity has been constructed to act as a proof-of-concept for the technology. The cavity is designed to be UHV capable and includes cooling channels reaching into the stems of the DTL structure. We present the first experimental results for this prototype. | ||
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About • | paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 01 June 2021 issue date ※ 02 September 2021 | |
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MOPAB282 | Development of a Multi-Camera System for Non-Invasive Intense Ion Beam Investigations | 895 |
The continued popularity of miniaturized cameras integrated into smartphones is leading to further research for more advanced CMOS camera sensors. This made CMOS technology even superior to scientific CCD cameras. Due to the lower power consumption and high flexibility, a multicamera system can be developed more effectively. At the Institute of Applied Physics at Goethe University Frankfurt (IAP) a prototype of a beam induced rest gas fluorescence monitor (BIF) was developed and tested successfully. The BIF consists of x and y single board cameras integrated into the vacuum chamber. A multi-camera system was installed in the LEBT area of the FRANZ project at the IAP within the first diagnostic chamber. This system consists of six cameras. With this equipment it is possible to investigate the beam along a 484 mm path in x and y direction. The developments on the reconstruction and image processing methods are in progress. | ||
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Poster MOPAB282 [1.139 MB] | |
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About • | paper received ※ 12 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 08 June 2021 issue date ※ 24 August 2021 | |
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MOPAB329 | Operations of Copper Cavities at Cryogenic Temperatures | 1020 |
How the anomalous skin effect by copper affects the efficiency of copper- cavities will be studied in the experiment, especially at lower temperatures. The accurate quality factor Q and resonant frequency of three coaxial cavities will be measured over the temperature range from 300 to 22 K. The three coaxial cavities have the same structure, but different lengths, which correspond to resonant frequencies: around 100 MHz, 220 MHz and 340 MHz. The motivation is to check the feasibility of an efficient pulsed, liquid nitrogen cooled ion linac. | ||
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About • | paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 07 June 2021 issue date ※ 02 September 2021 | |
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TUPAB356 | Electron Beam Driven Cavities | 2342 |
State of the art high power feeder for RF cavities used as accelerators generally require RF amplifiers consisting of a vacuum tube, such as a klystron or Grid Tubes. In addition, a number of cost intensive RF auxiliary devices are needed: Modulator, waveguides, circulator, power dump and couplers. The equipment requires significant floor space within the linac building. Alternatively, we propose a direct driven system. Aμbunched electron beam is injected directly into the cavity. A high perveance bunched electron beam can be generated by a standard electron gun combined with a deflecting beam chopper*, an off-the-shelf IOT or klystron, respectively. The pulse rate is determined by the resonance frequency of the cavity. The resonator hereby acts like the output cavity of a klystron: Within its propagation through the cavity the beam is decelerated increasing the stored energy of the accelerator. We present 3D particle PIC simulations evaluating the geometry and beam properties in order to optimize the coupling efficiency and cavity excitation of state-of-art CH particle accelerator structures.
* S. Setzer, T. Weiland and U. Ratzinger, A Chopped Electron Beam Driver for H-Type Cavities, 20th ‘International Linac Conference, Monterey, California, August 21-25, 2000, pp. 1001-1003 |
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About • | paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 21 June 2021 issue date ※ 11 August 2021 | |
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WEPAB176 | Acceleration of He+ Beams for Injection Into NICA Booster During its First Run | 3016 |
Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator (HILAC) is designed to accelerate the heavy ions with ratio A/Z<=6.25 produced by ESIS ion source up to the 3.2 MeV for the injection into superconducting synchrotron (SC) Booster. HILAC was commissioned in 2018 using the carbon beams from Laser Ion Source (LIS). The project output energy was verified. Transmission could be estimated only for DTL structure because of the presence at the RFQ input the mixture of ions with different charge states extracted from laser-plasma. To estimate transmission through the whole linac the ion source producing the only species He+ was designed. The beams of He+ ions were used for the first run of SC Booster. The design of the helium ion source and results of the He+ beam acceleration and injection are described. | ||
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About • | paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 11 June 2021 issue date ※ 22 August 2021 | |
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