Author: Petrushina, I.
Paper Title Page
THPAB219 Beam Dynamics in Coherent Electron Cooling Accelerator 4216
  • Y.C. Jing, V. Litvinenko, I. Petrushina, I. Pinayev, K. Shih, Y.H. Wu
    BNL, Upton, New York, USA
  • V. Litvinenko
    Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, USA
  • I. Petrushina, Y.H. Wu
    SUNY SB, Stony Brook, New York, USA
  • K. Shih
    SBU, Stony Brook, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy.
Coherent electron Cooling (CeC) has the potential to substantially reduce the cooling time of the high-energy hadrons and hence to boost luminosity in high-intensity hadron-hadron and electron-hadron colliders. Recent development in CeC cooling theory requires the accelerator to deliver high-quality electron bunches with low beam noise. In this paper, we present our design of the CeC accelerator to achieve the electron beam requirements and compare our findings with the experimental observations.
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About • paper received ※ 27 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 27 July 2021       issue date ※ 20 August 2021  
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WEPAB138 Superconducting RF Gun with High Current and the Capability to Generate Polarized Electron Beams 2936
  • I. Petrushina
    SUNY SB, Stony Brook, New York, USA
  • S.A. Belomestnykh, S. Kazakov, T.N. Khabiboulline, M. Martinello, Y.M. Pischalnikov, V.P. Yakovlev
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  • J.C. Brutus, P. Inacker, Y.C. Jing, V. Litvinenko, J. Skaritka, E. Wang
    BNL, Upton, New York, USA
  • J.M. Grames, M. Poelker, R. Suleiman, E.J-M. Voutier
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  High-current low-emittance CW electron beams are indispensable for nuclear and high-energy physics fixed target and collider experiments, cooling high energy hadron beams, generating CW beams of monoenergetic X-rays (in FELs) and gamma-rays (in Compton sources). Polarization of electrons in these beams provides extra value by opening a new set of observables and frequently improving the data quality. We report on the upgrade of the unique and fully functional CW SRF 1.25 MeV SRF gun, built as part of the Coherent electron Cooling (CeC) project, which has demonstrated sustained CW operation with CsK2Sb photocathodes generating electron bunches with record-low transverse emittances and record-high bunch charge exceeding 10 nC. We propose to extend the capabilities of this system to high average current of 100 milliampere in two steps: increasing the current 30-fold at each step with the goal to demonstrate reliable long-term operation of the high-current low-emittance CW SRF guns. We also propose to test polarized GaAs photocathodes in the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment of the SRF gun, which has never been successfully demonstrated in RF accelerators.  
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About • paper received ※ 25 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 29 July 2021       issue date ※ 23 August 2021  
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