Author: Masuda, T.
Paper Title Page
WEPAB055 Development of a Linac for Injection of Ultrashort Electron Bunches Into Laser Plasma Electron Accelerators 2725
  • S. Masuda, N. Kumagai, T. Masuda, Y. Otake
    JASRI, Hyogo, Japan
  • Y. Koshiba, S. Otsuka
    Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  • T. Sakai, T. Tanaka
    LEBRA, Funabashi, Japan
  • K. Sakaue
    The University of Tokyo, The School of Engineering, Tokyo, Japan
  Funding: This work is supported by JST-Mirai Program Grant Number JPMJMI17A1, Japan.
We are de­vel­op­ing a C-band linac that pro­duces ul­tra­short elec­tron bunches as an in­jec­tor for laser plasma ac­cel­er­a­tors. A plasma wave ex­cited by a high in­tense ul­tra­short laser pulse has a wave­length of the order of 10 to 100 fs and trans­verse di­men­sions of the order of 10 to 100 um. To in­ject the bunch into a proper phase of the plasma wave, a length and trans­verse sizes of the bunch must be much smaller than the plasma wave struc­ture. A laser trig­gered photo cath­ode elec­tron RF-gun and a 2pi/3 mode trav­el­ing wave buncher with 24 cells for ul­tra­short elec­tron bunch pro­duc­tion have been de­vel­oped based on elec­tron beam track­ing sim­u­la­tions that show the bunch length is less than 10 fs with a charge of 100 fC at a focus on the plasma wave. The sim­u­la­tions also show that suf­fi­ciently small trans­verse sizes of the bunch at the focus can be ob­tained by a Q triplet. A highly ac­cu­rate tim­ing lower than the plasma wave­length (~10fs) is re­quired for the syn­chro­niza­tion be­tween the elec­tron bunch in­jec­tion and the plasma wave ex­ci­ta­tion. An RF mas­ter os­cil­la­tor with low SSB phase noise (-150dBc/Hz@​10MHz) has been de­vel­oped for the syn­chro­niza­tion. We will re­port pre­sent de­vel­op­ment sta­tus.
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About • paper received ※ 19 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 15 July 2021       issue date ※ 29 August 2021  
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