Paper | Title | Page |
TUPAB127 | Spare Gun Multi-Physics Analysis for LCLS-II | 1688 |
LBNL APEX VHF normal conducting gun was adopted for LCLS-II CW operation to provide ultra-bright high repetition rate X-ray pulses. The initial LCLS-II gun and injector commissioning showed excessive dark current dominated by field emission around the cathode plug outer diameter and the gun cavity nose. There is a concern that the dark current may get worse with time of operation. It is planning to build a spare rf gun largely based on the current LCLS-II gun to replace current LCLS-II gun. The proposed spare gun has a reduced the peak electrical fields around the cathode plug corner and cavity nose by 10% through further optimizing APEX gun cavity shape. In addition, there are some moderate modifications on the engineering design to increase mechanical robustness and vacuum performance. SLAC developed parallel finite-element electromagnetic code suite ACE3P is used to apply for the spare gun modeling including RF, thermal and structural analysis at static and transient states to ensure its successful operation in LCLS-II. In this paper, the spare gun multi-physics analysis is described. | ||
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About • | paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 25 August 2021 issue date ※ 12 August 2021 | |
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FRXA04 |
Commissioning results of LCLS-II MHz repetition rate electron source | |
Funding: work supported by DOE under grant No. DE-AC02-76SF00515 A 4 GeV 1.3 GHz superconducting linac is being constructed at SLAC as part of the X-ray free electron laser project (LCLS-II). The first 3-meter of the electron source that includes a normal conducting 185.7MHz CW RF gun, 2-cell 1.3 GHz CW RF buncher, and a loadlock system for cathode changes was designed and built by LBNL based on their experience with similar one for advanced photo-injector experiment program. The electron beam is designed to operate at a high repetition rate, up to 1 MHz. Since summer of 2018 we started LCLS-II injector source commissioning immediately after the major installation completion. This paper presents major commissioning results including achievements of ultra-high vacuum, RF processing to CW nominal power, dark current characterization and mitigation, and high-brightness electron beam measurements. |
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