Author: Letkin, D.S.
Paper Title Page
WEPAB176 Acceleration of He+ Beams for Injection Into NICA Booster During its First Run 3016
  • K.A. Levterov, V.P. Akimov, D.S. Letkin, D.O. Leushin, V.V. Mialkovskiy
    JINR/VBLHEP, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
  • A.M. Bazanov, A.V. Butenko, D.E. Donets, D. Egorov, A.R. Galimov, B.V. Golovenskiy, A. Govorov, V.V. Kobets, A.D. Kovalenko, D.A. Lyuosev, A.A. Martynov, V.A. Monchinsky, D.O. Ponkin, I.V. Shirikov, A.O. Sidorin, E. Syresin, G.V. Trubnikov, A. Tuzikov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • H. Höltermann, H. Podlech
    BEVATECH, Frankfurt, Germany
  • U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator (HILAC) is designed to accelerate the heavy ions with ratio A/Z<=6.25 produced by ESIS ion source up to the 3.2 MeV for the injection into superconducting synchrotron (SC) Booster. HILAC was commissioned in 2018 using the carbon beams from Laser Ion Source (LIS). The project output energy was verified. Transmission could be estimated only for DTL structure because of the presence at the RFQ input the mixture of ions with different charge states extracted from laser-plasma. To estimate transmission through the whole linac the ion source producing the only species He+ was designed. The beams of He+ ions were used for the first run of SC Booster. The design of the helium ion source and results of the He+ beam acceleration and injection are described.  
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About • paper received ※ 19 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 11 June 2021       issue date ※ 22 August 2021  
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