- P.F. Ma, C.T. Du, X. Guan, Y. Lei, M.W. Wang, X.W. Wang, Q.Z. Xing, X.D. Yu, S.X. Zheng
TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
- W. Chen, W.L. Liu, W. Lv, M.T. Qiu, B.C. Wang, D. Wang, M.C. Wang, Z.M. Wang, Y.H. Yan, M.T. Zhao
NINT, Shannxi, People’s Republic of China
A heavy-ion injector can be used for SEE study. In this paper, the primary beam dynamics design of a heavy-ion injector for the XiPAF upgrade is presented. The injector consists of an ECR heavy-ion source, a LEBT, an RFQ, and a DTL. The mass charge ratio can be up to 6.5. The RFQ can accelerate heavy ions to 500 keV/u, and the DTL can accelerate the ions to 2 MeV/u, which can meet the requirement of the synchrotron.