Paper | Title | Page |
MOPAB071 | Progress with the Booster Design for the Diamond-II Upgrade | 286 |
Efficient injection into the Diamond-II storage ring [*, **] will require an emittance and bunch length substantially below the values produced from the existing booster. Whilst an earlier design for a replacement based on TME cells was able to meet the target values of <30 nm.rad and <40 ps respectively [***, ****], several technical constraints have led to a rethink of this solution. The revised booster lattice utilises a larger number of cells based on combined-function magnets with lower peak fields that still meets the emittance and bunch length goals. In addition, the new ring has been designed to have low impedance to maximise the extracted charge per shot. In this paper we describe the main features of the lattice, present the status of the engineering design and quantify the expected performance.
*Diamond-II Conceptual Design Report, Diamond Light Source **H. Ghasem et al, these proceedings ***I. Martin, R. Bartolini, J.Phys.:Conf. Ser., 1067, 032005 ****I. Martin et al, IPAC 2019, WEPMP042 |
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About • | paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 31 May 2021 issue date ※ 02 September 2021 | |
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MOPAB019 | Possible Application of Round-to-Flat Hadron Beam Creation Using 3rd Order Coupling Resonances for the Electron-Ion Collider | 99 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. An Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is planned to be built in Brookhaven National Laboratory with the contribution from Jefferson National Laboratory. To have a high luminosity, both the EIC ion bunch and the EIC electron bunch are designed to be flat during their collision. The existing injector source provides a round beam of width 2.5 um rad transverse emittances. In this paper we investigate the option of dynamically crossing the 2Qx-Qy coupling resonance in order to create a flat-beam with emittance ratio Ex/Ey of up to 4. Furthermore, we explore the possibility of using a pulsed- or AC skew sextupole magnets to achieve a similar effect. Using one of these methods for flat beam creation will help lower the ion beam cooling time. |
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Poster MOPAB019 [0.323 MB] | |
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About • | paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 02 June 2021 issue date ※ 24 August 2021 | |
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MOPAB020 | Improvements to the SLS Booster Synchrotron Performance Towards SLS 2.0 | 103 |
The Swiss Light Source (SLS) storage ring will undergo a major upgrade to a multi-bend achromat lattice. The existing injector complex will be reused with few modifications. However, the SLS booster synchrotron has not been studied since the initial commissioning in years 2000-2001. We plan to apply an emittance exchange in the booster to lower the horizontal emittance, which is a critial parameter for the injection. Here, we present improvements to the SLS booster as a preparation for SLS 2.0 upgrade project. The vertical beam size is decreased by 50\% by the use of vertical orbit correctors without beam position monitors, leading also to suppression of vertical dispersion and a factor 10 reduction of the transverse coupling coefficient. The emittance exchange reflected these improvements in the horizontal emittance, achieving a factor of 9-10 reduction. Lastly, a fast head-tail instability limiting the injection rate into the storage ring is discovered and subsequently suppressed by correcting the chromaticities. | ||
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Poster MOPAB020 [0.380 MB] | |
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About • | paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 01 June 2021 issue date ※ 30 August 2021 | |
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MOPAB021 | A Dispersive Quadrupole Scan Technique for Transverse Beam Characterization | 107 |
Quadrupole scans are one of the standard techniques to characterize the transverse beam properties in transfer lines or linacs. However, in the presence of dispersion the usage of regular quadrupole scans will lead to erroneous estimates of the beam parameters. The standard solution to this problem is to measure the dispersion and then subtract it in the post-analysis of the quadrupole scan measurements assuming the design energy spread. Here we show that the dispersive contribution to the beam size can be included in the quadrupole scan procedure, forming a linear system of equations that can be solved to obtain both the betatronic and dispersive beam parameters. The method is tested at both the SLS and ESRF booster-to-ring transfer lines leading to reasonable estimates of the beam parameters. | ||
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Poster MOPAB021 [0.447 MB] | |
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About • | paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 02 June 2021 issue date ※ 19 August 2021 | |
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