Author: Jury, A.N.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB062 A Single Dipole Source for Broad-Band Soft Photon Beamlines in Diamond-II 261
  • M. Apollonio, G. Cinque, H. Ghasem, A.N. Jury, I.P.S. Martin, R. Rambo
    DLS, Harwell, United Kingdom
  Diamond-II is a project based at Diamond Light Source for an upgrade towards a Storage Ring characterized by a reduction of a factor 20 in its natural emittance and a doubling of the number of straight sections. At Diamond-II the majority of existing beamline capacity should be maintained, while enhancing their performance thanks to the increase in brightness at the source points. The substantial modification of the lattice imposes a likewise re-design of the broad-band sources, presently based on standard dipoles. In this paper we discuss a possible solution for the IR/THz beamline B22 operating within a photon energy range between 1meV and 1eV. This proposal, ideal for low critical energy and single source point sources, entails the insertion of a dipole in one of the newly created mid-cell straights of the machine, while reducing the bending power of the nearby gradient dipoles. After performing the linear matching of the lattice, reproducing a comparable phase advance in the modified cell, we studied the non-linear dynamics of the system. Comparison of the main observables (Dynamic Aperture, Injection Efficiency and Lifetime) with the baseline case is discussed.  
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About • paper received ※ 18 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 28 May 2021       issue date ※ 12 August 2021  
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