Paper | Title | Page |
THXB03 |
High Precision RF Control: from Particle Accelerators to Quantum bits | |
Funding: This work was supported by the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Office of High Energy Physics, Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Superconducting circuit quantum bit (qubits) is one of the leading implementation of a quantum computer. The qubits are controlled and read by 4-8 GHz RF pulses. High precision FPGA based RF control technique has been widely used in the various particle accelerator subsystems, including the cavity field control (LLRF) system and timing/synchronization system. Based on the technique developed from the accelerator control, we are developing an open source qubit control system. The prototype module is tested with the superconducting qubits and demonstrated the single and two qubits gate operation with good fidelity and multi-module synchronization is under development. |
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FRXA04 |
Commissioning results of LCLS-II MHz repetition rate electron source | |
Funding: work supported by DOE under grant No. DE-AC02-76SF00515 A 4 GeV 1.3 GHz superconducting linac is being constructed at SLAC as part of the X-ray free electron laser project (LCLS-II). The first 3-meter of the electron source that includes a normal conducting 185.7MHz CW RF gun, 2-cell 1.3 GHz CW RF buncher, and a loadlock system for cathode changes was designed and built by LBNL based on their experience with similar one for advanced photo-injector experiment program. The electron beam is designed to operate at a high repetition rate, up to 1 MHz. Since summer of 2018 we started LCLS-II injector source commissioning immediately after the major installation completion. This paper presents major commissioning results including achievements of ultra-high vacuum, RF processing to CW nominal power, dark current characterization and mitigation, and high-brightness electron beam measurements. |
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