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WEPAB329 |
LCLS-II Average Current Monitor |
3443 |
- P. Borchard, J.S. Hoh
Dymenso LLC, San Francisco, USA
The LCLS-II project at SLAC is a high power upgrade to the existing free-electron laser facility. The LCLS-II Accelerator System will include a new 4 GeV continuous-wave superconducting linear accelerator in the first kilometer of the SLAC linear accelerator tunnel and supplements the existing low power pulsed linac. Average Current Monitors (ACMs) are needed to protect against excessive beam power which might otherwise cause damage to the beam dumps. The ACM cavities are pillbox-shaped stainless steel RF cavity with two radial probe ports with couplers, one radial test port with a coupler, and a mechanism for mechanically fine-tuning the cavity resonant frequency. The ACM RF cavities will be located at points of known or constrained beam energy and will monitor the beam current, a safety system will trip off the beam if the beam power exceeds the allowed value.
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 16 June 2021 issue date ※ 22 August 2021 |
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