Author: Gough, C.H.
Paper Title Page
WEPAB122 Development of Fast and Super-Fast Kicker System for SLS 2.0 Injection 2889
  • M. Paraliev, M. Aiba, S. Dordevic, C.H. Gough, A. Streun
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  Swiss Light Source plans a major upgrade to turn the existing Storage Ring (SR) into a modern diffraction-limited light source called SLS 2.0. As part of this project, the injection system has to be upgraded as well in order to ensure reliable and efficient injection in the reduced beam aperture. A 4 kicker bump and a new thin septum will ensure the conventional injection in the SR. To further minimize the perturbation of the stored beam during injection two new schemes are in development: "Fast" and "Super-fast" one. The "Fast" injection scheme should be able to ensure single-bunch off-axis top-up injection affecting only 10 to 20 SR bunches that are 2 ns apart. The "Super-fast" one should bring the perturbed bunches down to only one. In on-axis mode it should be able to inject a top-up bunch between two SR bunches with minimum disturbance of the adjacent ones. To do this a combination of special beam injection schemes and an extremely fast (ns) kicker system is required. We will discuss the status of the development, the problems, and the solutions for reaching such a challenging goal.  
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About • paper received ※ 18 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 09 June 2021       issue date ※ 28 August 2021  
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