Author: Ezawa, K.
Paper Title Page
Commissioning of the Radioactive Ion Beam Transport System for ARIEL  
  • S. Saminathan, F. Ames, T.D. Angus, R.A. Baartman, P.E. Dirksen, K. Ezawa, M. Marchetto, M. Rowe, B.E. Schultz
    TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
  The ARIEL fa­cil­ity is being com­mis­sioned to triple the avail­abil­ity of ra­dioac­tive ion beams with ISAC at TRI­UMF. The ARIEL sep­a­ra­tor and front-end fa­cil­ity also re­ferred to as ra­dioac­tive ion beam (RIB) trans­port sys­tem, con­nects the two new ARIEL tar­get sta­tions to the ex­ist­ing ISAC fa­cil­ity. The RIB trans­port sys­tem acts as a switch­yard, in ex­cess of 200 me­ters of beam­lines, for de­liv­er­ing two ad­di­tional si­mul­ta­ne­ous beams from the two ARIEL tar­get ion sources. The pri­mary op­ti­cal build­ing blocks of the RIB trans­port sys­tem are the match­ing, pe­ri­odic, or­der-re­vers­ing, low-beta-in­ser­tion, dog­leg, and achro­matic bend sec­tions. These blocks con­sist of elec­tro­sta­tic op­ti­cal el­e­ments such as quadru­pole, ben­der, and steerer. The first phase of the ARIEL in­stal­la­tion is com­pleted, and com­mis­sion­ing is well un­der­way. The paper will de­scribe the re­cent com­mis­sion­ing and early op­er­a­tion re­sults of the ARIEL RIB trans­port sys­tem.  
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