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MOPAB364 |
Shielded Pair Method for Cylindrical Surface Resistance Measurement at Cryogenic Temperature |
1132 |
- K. Brunner, S. Calatroni, F. Caspers
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
- D. Barna
Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary
The shielded pair resonator method was already used in the past at CERN to measure the surface resistivity of the LHC beam screen both at room temperature and cryogenic temperature. We have refined and adapted the measurement to be able to measure other types of beam screens and also to operate in a strong dipolar magnetic field. This is necessary for testing the properties of HTS coated beam screens or the possible effects of coatings and surface treatments for e-cloud suppression. Several calibration runs were done at cryogenic temperatures (4.2 K) measuring the surface resistivity of a copper pipe to identify the precision, stability and reproducibility achievable using this method. This work describes the challenges of the measurement and ways to mitigate them.
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paper received ※ 17 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 22 June 2021 issue date ※ 12 August 2021 |
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THPAB235 |
Detailed Electromagnetic Characterisation of HL-LHC Low Impedance Collimators |
4258 |
- A. Kurtulus, C. Accentura, N. Biancacci, F. Carra, F. Caspers, N. Chitnis, F. Giordano, R. Illan Fiastre, S. Joly, I. Lamas Garcia, L. Mourier, E. Métral, S. Redaelli, B. Salvant, W. Vollenberg, C. Vollinger, C. Zannini
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project will upgrade the LHC machine to allow operation with increased luminosity for the experiments. In order to achieve this goal, different operational parameters of the machine need to be pushed beyond the present design values, including the stored beam energy. One of the main challenges related to the achievement of the upgraded performance is the beam collimation system and its contribution to the overall machine impedance budget. In this perspective, new low impedance collimators have been designed, fabricated, and installed in the LHC. In this study, we will present their detailed electromagnetic (EM) characterization by means of radio frequency (RF) measurements and EM simulations.
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 19 July 2021 issue date ※ 10 August 2021 |
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