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MOPAB177 |
ELENA Commissioning and Status |
598 |
- C. Carli, M.E. Angoletta, W. Bartmann, L. Bojtár, F. Butin, B. Dupuy, Y. Dutheil, M.A. Fraser, P. Freyermuth, D. Gamba, L.V. Jørgensen, B. Lefort, O. Marqversen, M. McLean, S. Ogur, S. Pasinelli, L. Ponce, G. Tranquille
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The Extra Low ENergy Antiproton ring ELENA is a small synchrotron recently constructed and commissioned to decelerate antiprotons injected from the Antiproton Decelerator AD with a kinetic energy of 5.3 MeV down to 100 keV. Controlled deceleration in the synchrotron, equipped with an electron cooler to reduce losses and generate dense bunches, allows the experiments, typically capturing the antiprotons in traps and manipulating them further, to improve the trapping efficiency by one to two orders of magnitude. During 2018, bunches with an energy of 100 keV with parameters close to nominal have been demonstrated, and first beams have been provided to an experiment in a new experimental zone. The magnetic transfer lines from the AD to the experiments have been replaced by electrostatic lines from ELENA. Commissioning of the new transfer lines and, in parallel, studies to better understand the ring with H− beams from a dedicated source, have started in autumn 2020. The first 100 keV antiproton physics run using ELENA will start in late summer 2021.
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 14 June 2021 issue date ※ 23 August 2021 |
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MOPAB178 |
Systematic Effects Limiting the Sensitivity of "Magic Energy" Proton EDM Rings |
602 |
- C. Carli, M. Haj Tahar
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Proposals to measure a possible Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of protons in an electro-static storage ring are studied by a world-wide community. The machine is operated at the so-called "magic energy" to satisfy the "frozen spin" condition such that, without imperfections and with the well known magnetic moment of the particle, the spin is always oriented parallel to the direction of movement. The effect of a finite EDM is a build-up of a vertical spin component. Any effect, other than a finite EDM, leading as well to a build-up of a vertical spin limits the sensitivity of the experiment. Such "systematic effects" are caused by machine imperfections, such as magnetic fields inside the magnetic shield surrounding the ring, and misalignments of electro-static elements or of the RF cavity. Operation of the machine with counter-rotating beams helps mitigating some of the effects. The most dangerous effects are those, which cannot be disentangled from an EDM by combining measurements from both counter-rotating beams, such as an average residual radial magnetic field penetrating the magnetic shield or a combination of magnetic fields and misalignments of electric elements.
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 17 June 2021 issue date ※ 20 August 2021 |
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