Author: Callahan, J.R.
Paper Title Page
WEPAB172 Recent Developments of the IDEAS-Halo Detector 3005
  • A. Liu, J.R. Callahan, B.T. Freemire
    Euclid TechLabs, Solon, Ohio, USA
  • J.F. Power, J.H. Shao
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  Funding: This work was performed at Euclid and Argonne National Laboratory, and was supported by the US DOE Office of Science under contract number DE-SC0019538.
Euclid Techlabs has been designing and testing a cost-effective iris diaphragm beam halo/profile detector, which can be easily configured to work with various primary beam energies and sites. Besides working as a measurement device, it can also work as a controllable beam scraper/collimator. This novel iris diaphragm detector utilizes the current signal produced by the beam charge deposition on the moveable conductive iris blades, to accurately measure the beam distribution from the outlier to the beam core. In this paper, we discuss the recent developments of our iris diaphragm e-beam apparatus series (IDEAS)-halo detector, including its geometry upgrades and newest beam experiments done at the AWA cathode testbed (ACT) of Argonne National Laboratory.
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About • paper received ※ 03 June 2021       paper accepted ※ 22 July 2021       issue date ※ 27 August 2021  
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