The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
@inproceedings{sun:ipac2021-thpab083, author = {Y. Sun}, title = {{Measurement of the Longitudinal Phase-Space of the APS Photo-Injector Beam}}, booktitle = {Proc. IPAC'21}, pages = {3963--3965}, eid = {THPAB083}, language = {english}, keywords = {linac, cavity, gun, dipole, lattice}, venue = {Campinas, SP, Brazil}, series = {International Particle Accelerator Conference}, number = {12}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, month = {08}, year = {2021}, issn = {2673-5490}, isbn = {978-3-95450-214-1}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-THPAB083}, url = {}, note = {}, abstract = {{An S-band photo-cathode RF gun (PCG) exists at the front of the linac. The high-brightness photoinjector beam is accelerated by the linac and and can be used for accelerator technology and beam physics R&D experiments in the Linac Extension Area (LEA). For some applications, the beam needs to be compressed by a magnetic bunch compressor in the middle of the linac. An S-band transverse-mode cavity (Tcav) is available at the end of the linac for beam longitudinal phase-space diagnostics. Beam commissioning experience of the Tcav is reported in this paper. The cavity rf conditioning and calibration was performed. There is a horizontally bending dipole magnet downstream of the Tcav, which kicks beam in the vertical plane. Beam image on a YAG screen downstream of the Tcav and dipole magnet contains the single-shot information of the longitudinal phase-space of the photo-injector beam. The first measurements of the longitudinal phase-space of the compressed and non-compressed photoinjector beam are discussed. Improvements of the measurement resolution are planned.}}, }