Author: Sleziona, V.
Paper Title Page
First results of the Hard X-Ray Self-Seeding Commissioning at the European XFEL  
  • S. Liu, W. Decking, L. Fröhlich, N. Golubeva, M.W. Guetg, R. Kammering, V. Kocharyan, E. Negodin, E. Saldin, T. Wohlenberg
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • S. Abeghyan, G. Geloni, J. Grünert, S.K. Karabekyan, A. Koch, N.G. Kujala, D. La Civita, A. Rodriguez-Fernandez, L. Samoylova, S. Serkez, R.A. Shayduk, H. Sinn, V. Sleziona, T. Tanikawa, S. Tomin, M. Vannoni, M. Yakopov
    EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  • J.W.J. Anton, S.P. Kearney, D. Shu
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  • V.D. Blank, S. Terentiev
    TISNCM, Troitsk, Russia
  • P. Rauer
    University of Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Hamburg, Germany
  At the Euorpean XFEL, a Hard X-Ray Self-Seeding (HXRSS) setup with two chicanes was installed in one of the two Hard X-Ray beamlines (SASE2). With the help of the two-stage scheme, HXRSS at the European XFEL will benefit from an increased signal-to-noise ratio, which can be used to cope, for the first time, with high-repetition rate X-ray pulses within a bunch train. This also allows for unprecedented output characteristics*. Commissioning of this setup has been started in Sept. 2019. In this paper, we will present the first commissioning results and our future plans.
*S. Liu et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 060704 (2019).
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