The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
%\cite{Leitner:IPAC2017-TUPAB123} \bibitem{Leitner:IPAC2017-TUPAB123} M. Leitner, C.J. Andrews, D. Arbelaez, A.J. Band, D. Bianculli, A.P. Brown, \emph{et al.}, % M. Leitner, C.J. Andrews, D. Arbelaez, A.J. Band, D. Bianculli, A.P. Brown, D.E. Bruch, A.L. Callen, J.N. Corlett, A.J. DeMello, J.R. Dougherty, L. Garcia Fajardo, K. Hanzel, M. Hoyt, D.E. Humphries, D. Jacobs, S. Jansson, G. Janša, C. Joiner, J.-Y. Jung, K.R. Lauer, D. Leitner, Yu.I. Levashov, S. Marks, D.S. Martinez-Galarce, K.A. McCombs, B.D. McKee, D.V. Munson, H.-D. Nuhn, Ž. Oven, K.L. Ray, M. Rowen, D.A. Sadlier, J.J. Savino, D. Schlueter, E.J. Wallén, V. Waring, Z.R. Wolf, and A. Zikmund, % M. Leitner \emph{et al.}, \textquotedblleft{Hard X-Ray and Soft X-Ray Undulator Segments for the Linear Coherent Light Source Upgrade (LCLS-II) Project}\textquotedblright, % in \emph{Proc. IPAC2017}, pp. 1605--1608, % in \emph{Proc. IPAC2017}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, paper TUPAB123, pp. 1605--1608, in \emph{Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'17)}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, paper TUPAB123, pp. 1605--1608, % ISBN: 978-3-95450-182-3, \url{}, \url{}, 2017.