MOZB —  Invited Oral Presentations, Hadron Accelerators   (09-May-16   14:00—15:00)
Chair: A. Jansson, ESS, Lund, Sweden
Paper Title Page
MOZB01 Construction and Beam Commissioning of CSNS Accelerators 47
  • S. Wang, S. Fu, J. Zhang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) is a proton accelerator based facility for delivering spallation neu-trons to users. The main components are 80-MeV linac, 1.6-GeV RCS and neutron production target. The con-struction began in 2011, and now construction of the building and accelerator components is well in progress. Most of the components have been tested and installed into the tunnel. The ion source and RFQ have been suc-cessfully commissioned. The first DTL tank has success-fully completed the beam commissioning, and the beam commissioning for the other three DTL tank will be per-formed before the end of 2016. The RCS commissioning will start in the beginning of 2017. This presentation provides a complete overview of the status of construc-tion and beam commissioning.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOZB01  
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MOZB02 Challenges of the High Current Prototype Accelerator of IFMIF/EVEDA 52
  • J. Knaster, Y. Okumura
    IFMIF/EVEDA, Rokkasho, Japan
  • P. Cara
    Fusion for Energy, Garching, Germany
  • A. Kasughai
    Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC), Rokkasho, Kamikita, Aomori, Japan
  • M. Sugimoto
    QST/Takasaki, Takasaki, Japan
  LIPAc, under installation in Rokkasho will produce a 125 mA CW deuteron beam at 9 MeV. The objective of IFMIF is to generate a neutron flux of 1018 m-2s−1 at 14 MeV for fusion materials testing using 2 x 125 mA CW D+ beams at 40 MeV impacting on a liquid lithium jet of 15 m/s. An ECR deuteron injector at 140 mA and 100 keV will be the source for a 9.7m long 4-vane RFQ, which will be complemented by a 175 MHz SRF linac composed of 8 HWRs for producing 9 MeV D+ beam. For a beam transmission >90%, beam simulations demand a D+ beam emittance below <0.3π mm·mrad. The first attempt on such high current accelerator was in the US in the early 80s under FMIT project with a H2+ 100 mA CW 2 MeV beam. LEDA successfully conducted 100 mA CW H+ at 6.7 MeV at the RFQ output energy in the late 90s, but using superconducting HWRs accelerating cavities at 125 mA CW with low-β H+/D+ beam has never been attempted. Beam halo will be monitored with 3 cryogenic μ-loss monitors azimuthally placed in each of the 8 superconducting solenoids interleaved with the HWR structures. A novel approach based on a beam core-halo dual matching has been developed to handle the MW range beam average power.  
slides icon Slides MOZB02 [18.358 MB]  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOZB02  
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