Author: Zhang, L.G.
Paper Title Page
WEPMY043 Parallel Particle Movement Simulation Algorithm Based on Heterogeneous Computing 2654
  • L.G. Zhang, L. Cao, K. Fan, J. Huang, K.F. Liu, W. Qi, J. Yang
    HUST, Wuhan, People's Republic of China
  Particle in cell (PIC) algorithm studies the self-consistent motion of multi-particle system by solving equations of particle dynamics, this algorithm is widely used to evaluate the nonlinear space charge effect of the high intensity or low energy beam. In order to reduce the random noise in the simulation, a huge number of particles should be traced, the process expends many computer hardware resources and a lot of computing time. Heterogeneous computing can greatly improve the efficiency of large quantities of the particle tracking by making full use of different types of computing resources. In this paper we give the algorithm which uses both CPU and GPU to trace the particles in electromagnetic field. The results show that the given algorithm increases the efficiency significantly.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEPMY043  
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