Author: Sauerland, D.
Paper Title Page
MOPOR047 Numerical and Experimental Substantiation of the Ion Density Beam Transfer Function Measurements 698
  • D. Sauerland, W. Hillert
    ELSA, Bonn, Germany
  Funding: Funded by the BMBF, Germany under grant 05K13PDA
In the ELSA stretcher ring electrons are accelerated to a beam energy of 3.2 GeV utilizing a fast energy ramp of 6 GeV/s. Ions being generated by collision with the residual gas molecules accumulate inside the beam potential, causing incoherent tune shifts and coherent beam instabilities. Since the ion induced incoherent tune shift rises linearly with the beam neutralisation, it offers a suitable approach for evaluating the efficiency of several ion clearing measures. It was indirectly measured using a new experimental approach: By measuring the beam transfer function using a broadband transversal kicker, one was able to perceive a shift and broadening of the tune peak. Both effects could be adequately parameterized providing a quantity proportional to the incoherent tune shift and thus the average neutralisation. The impact of incoherent effects to the coherent electron beam response during the measurement has not been subject to intensive theoretical attention yet. This leaves the obtained quantity unscaled. Here new numerical simulations and experimental investigations will be presented in order to further substantiate the results of this new method.
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOPOR047  
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