Author: Petrakovsky, V.S.
Paper Title Page
MOPOY042 The Perspective of Jinr Lu-20 Replacement by a Superconducting Linac 944
  • S.M. Polozov, M. Gusarova, T. Kulevoy, M.V. Lalayan, A.V. Samoshin, S.E. Toporkov
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • M.A. Baturitski
    BSU, Minsk, Belarus
  • A.V. Butenko, V. Monchinsky, A.O. Sidorin, G.V. Trubnikov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • G. Kropachev, T. Kulevoy
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  • A.A. Marysheva, V.S. Petrakovsky, I.L. Pobol, A.I. Pokrovsky, S.V. Yurevich, A.Yu. Zhuravsky
    Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
  The new accelerator complex Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is now under development and construction at JINR. Existing Alvarez-type DTL linac LU-20 is now operates as injector of light ions, polarized protons and deuterons to Nuclotron for LHEP experimental program. It provides proton beam of 20 MeV energy and light ions of 5 MeV/u energy. In 2015 the cascade transformer 800 kV which is pre-accelerator of LU-20 had been replaced by the new RFQ linac (energy 155 keV for ions with Z/A<0.5). The proposal on Alvarez linac LU-20 upgrade by a superconducting light ion linac with energy up to 50 MeV is discussed in this report.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOPOY042  
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