Author: Bertucci, M.
Paper Title Page
TUPOW005 Update on Third Harmonic XFEL Activities at INFN LASA 1751
  • D. Sertore, M. Bertucci, A. Bignami, A. Bosotti, J.F. Chen, P. Michelato, L. Monaco, R. Paparella, P. Pierini
    INFN/LASA, Segrate (MI), Italy
  • C.G. Maiano
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • C. Pagani
    Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Segrate, Italy
  After the successful installation and beam operation of the first batch of 3.9 GHz cavities into the XFEL Third Harmonic Injector Module, ten more cavities have been tested and delivered to DESY to be assembled into a spare cryomodule. In this paper, we report on the activities related to the cavities fabrication, treatment and vertical testing at INFN LASA.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-TUPOW005  
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WEPMB011 ESS Medium and High Beta Cavity Prototypes 2138
  • P. Michelato, A. Bellandi, M. Bertucci, A. Bignami, A. Bosotti, J.F. Chen, L. Monaco, R. Paparella, P. Pierini, D. Sertore
    INFN/LASA, Segrate (MI), Italy
  • C.G. Maiano
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • C. Pagani
    Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Segrate, Italy
  • S. Pirani
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  In the framework of the ESS activity in progress at INFN-LASA, we are designing and developing 704.42 MHz Medium (β=0.67) and High (β=0.86) beta prototype cavities plug compatible with the ESS cryomodule design. The cells of one Medium and one High beta cavity are fabricated with high quality CBMM Large Grain Niobium (480 mm dia. Ingot, RRR=300, sliced by Heraeus) while a Medium beta cavity is done with Fine Grain material for comparison. The prototype cavities will be produced by the firm Ettore Zanon S.p.A. under the supervision of INFN - LASA group.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEPMB011  
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