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Title Preliminary Commissioning Results of the Proton Source for ESS at INFN-LNS
  • L. Celona, L. Allegra, A. Amato, G. Calabrese, A.C. Caruso, G. Castro, F. Chines, G. Gallo, S. Gamminopresenter, O. Leonardi, A. Longhitano, G. Manno, S. Marletta, D. Mascali, A. Maugeri, M. Mazzaglia, L. Neri, S. Passarello, G. Pastore, A. Seminara, A.S. Spartà, G. Torrisi, S. Vinciguerra
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • S. Di Martino, P. Nicotra
    Si.A.Tel SRL, Catania, Italy
  • A. Longhitano
    ALTEK, San Gregorio (CATANIA), Italy
  • G. Torrisi
    Universitá Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy
Abstract At Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS) - the commissioning of the high intensity Proton Source for the European Spallation Source (PS-ESS) is under way. Preliminary results of plasma diagnostics collected on a testbench called "Flexible Plasma Trap" (FPT) will be correlated to the peculiarities of the magnetic system design and of the microwave injection setup with a view of the possible implications on the beam extraction system. The status of the costruction is presented.
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Conference IPAC2016, Busan, Korea
Series International Particle Accelerator Conference (7th)
Proceedings Link to full IPAC2016 Proccedings
Session Poster Session
Date 11-May-16   16:00–18:00
Main Classification 03 Alternative Particle Sources and Acceleration Techniques
Sub Classification T01 Proton and Ion Sources
Keywords plasma, proton, diagnostics, electron, vacuum
Publisher JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland
Editors Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Dong Eon Kim (PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea); Kyung Sook Kim (PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea); In Soo Ko (POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea); Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
ISBN 978-3-95450-147-2
Published June 2016
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